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10 Farman 10 Farman | Last Update : 2024-05-08


10 Farman

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10 Farman :  فیلم ده فرمان : directed by Cecil B. DeMille and released in 1956, is a monumental epic-historical film produced by Paramount Pictures. The film is a cinematic portrayal of the life of Moses, based on the biblical narrative.

Critical and Global Success:

This cinematic masterpiece quickly captured the attention of critics and audiences worldwide, earning unparalleled popularity not only in the United States but across the globe. It swiftly rose to become the sixth highest-grossing film in the history of world cinema, according to inflation-adjusted calculations.

Plot Summary:

The story begins with the birth of Moses and his rescue by his sister and mother, leading to his upbringing in the royal court. As the narrative unfolds, it traverses crucial events in the life of this prophet of God, including the liberation of the Jewish people, the parting of the Red Sea, and Moses' farewell to his family before ascending to the heavenly realm. The film features stellar performances by Charlton Heston, Yul Brynner, Anne Baxter, and Edward G. Robinson.

Awards and Recognition:

"The Ten Commandments" received numerous Oscar nominations across various categories and clinched the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects, particularly for the unforgettable scene depicting the miraculous parting of the sea by Moses. In 2008, the American Film Institute recognized it as the tenth greatest epic film in the history of cinema.

Impact and Legacy:

Beyond its cinematic achievements, "The Ten Commandments" holds a lasting legacy as an iconic epic that has stood the test of time. Its impact on the genre is underscored by its inclusion in the prestigious list of the top epic films in cinema history.


  • Charlton Heston as Moses

  • Yul Brynner as Pharaoh Ramses II
  • Anne Baxter as Nefretiri
  • Edward G. Robinson as Dathan
  • Yvonne De Carlo as Sephora
  • John Derek as Joshua
  • Nina Foch as Bithiah
  • Martha Scott as Yochabel
  • Vincent Price, Debra Paget, John Carradine, and many more.

"The Ten Commandments" remains a cinematic triumph, blending storytelling, visual effects, and stellar performances, ensuring its place as an enduring classic in the tapestry of epic films.

Note: The film was nominated for seven Academy Awards and won the Oscar for Best Visual Effects.